Some people say eat as you always do and just inject enough insulin to process the sugars eaten. This tries to mask symptoms and makes you a chronic patient. Insulin spikes in the body and high insulin is very bad long-term. Many diabetics get eye problems over the years, limbs have to be amputated.
Instead, drastically change your lifestyle and eating habits. Reduce carbohydrate intake (sugar, bread, etc.) to the lowest level possible and eat more protein and fat. This will avoid sugar/insulin spikes in the body and hypoglycemia.
Explore going keto.
Sugar is everywhere. Even if you try to avoid obvious sources, there will still be enough hidden sugars.
Did you know that a serving of ketchup - 1 tablespoon - contains 1 teaspoon of sugar?
When you read a nutrition label, divide the grams of sugar by 4 to get the amount of teaspoons (4g sugar = 1 tsp).
Stay away from fructose as much as you can. Too much will give you metabolic syndrome and cause all sorts of problems in your body. Avoid high fructose corn syrup, reduce the amount of fruits you eat.
Remember - fruits are seasonal and should be consumed in moderation. With global trade, we can buy all kinds of fruit all year round in the grocery store which leads us to eat them almost daily - contrary to our evolutionary adaptation.
Information on this page is for general information purposes only. You should not use it as a basis for making any business, legal, medical or any other decisions. Consult a professional for advice before making any decisions.